



  • 主演:Brian  Kolodziej    Amy  Wehrell    傑拉德·艾莫瑞克  
  • 導演:Scott  W.  Mckinlay        地區:歐美(2012)      類型:驚悚 恐怖
  • 簡介:

    最後更新於2013-01-21 , After a run-in with a stranger, anti-hero Campbell Jackman finds himself the target of a maniacal killer behind the wheel of a sleazy, beat-up death van. Life without a car can be murder. Nobody is going to learn that lesson faster than Cam


After a run-in with a stranger, anti-hero Campbell Jackman finds himself the target of a maniacal killer behind the wheel of a sleazy, beat-up death van.

  Life without a car can be murder. Nobody is going to learn that lesson faster than Campbell Jackman (Brian Kolodziej), a 20-something, out of work and out of options misfit in Detroit. After a disastrous move to Los Angeles, Campbell is quickly learning that the only thing worse than life with no vehicle is trying to buy one from a Creepy madman! The Van now has a new owner and the Creep Van s death toll rise"s, things for Campbell take a turn for the worse when the Creep begins calling and threatening him. 




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